I’ve now released version 0.5.4 with the following change-log;
[0.5.4] - 2022-08-23
Add a connection status description to the bottom of the sync tray
Add a menu to the bottom of the sync tray with an option to clear all local data
Add support for the some
operator when querying entity relationships
Add a widget decorator for the asset name that shows the asset groups
Improved styling of asset selector to make the search results scroll and fit the page better
Improve service-worker cache-clearing/unregistering behavior
Load all asset relationships when loading assets
Improved how asset location is loaded/displayed/refreshed
Change the asset location to be a widget decorator on the asset name
Change the asset location/group to be links to the related location/group asset(s)
Move the “Asset:” prefix inside a span of the asset name render widget so widget decorator plugins can modify/hide it
Show the asset search weight text under each search result
Fix loading of schemas so it works with latest Drupal JSON:API schema data
Fix reloading plugin lists so the skipCache
parameter also skips the service worker cache
Fix a bug with the initial value of the Orbit.js request queue autoProcess setting
Fix a bug with the sync icon showing the wrong value when no network connection is available
Fix warnings from Cookie SameSite attribute
Fix warnings from non-function default slot in JS plugin component declarations
Fix warnings from non-numeric boot progress values
Fix warning for name of emitted event on the asset page
Fix styling of asset selector to have a minimum size for the list of search results
Fix more bad references to assetLink.connectionStatus.isOnline
Fix data-flow for the in-memory Orbit.js source so the initial call to assetLink.assetTypes()
can return data
Remove cacheOnly
behavior from asset name locations/groups wiget decorators since it was producing stale results
Add key
param to asset page asset resolver to ensure the page updates when navigating from one asset to another
[0.5.3] - 2022-08-17
Implement service worker refresh UI to cleanly update the PWA
Add reload plugin button to the manage plugins page
Add a more specific warning message for asset proximity search when location permissions are denied
Re-add service-worker.js which got lost in the migration work
Fixed logic to connect/disconnect Orbit.js JSON:API source queries based on online/offline status
Fix reloading plugins so the skipCache
parameter also skips the service worker cache
Fix handling of dev certs when proxying https farmOS instances for development
Actually show messages that are pushed into assetLink.vm.messages
[0.5.2] - 2022-08-16
Better docs for IAssetLink/IAssetLinkUI/IFarmOSConnectionStatus interfaces
Data access and simple asset action plugin tutorials
Moved EventBus implementation to assetlink-plugin-api package to make documentation easier
Include Vue runtime compiler in PWA/Sidecar builds
I’ve now released version 0.6.0 with the following change-log;
[0.6.0] - 2022-08-30
Add a CodeEditor component based on CodeMirror 5
Add the ability to enable/disable plugins by URL
Add support for plugins stored (not just cached) locally in indexeddb
Add the ability to create/edit plugins by writing their source code inside Asset Link
Add a default plugin which shows the parent/child hierarchy of assets
Depend on the source files for the assetlink-plugin-api
package rather than its bundle in the PWA/Sidecar so that code splitting will work correctly
Apply Drupal 10 fixes from Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes [#3305281] | Drupal.org
Clean up old default plugin files and config entities on building
Fix bug in connection status detection to honor all “^2” versions, not just the dev “2.x” version
Fix a bug with plugin reference tracking not dropping to zero correctly
Fix a bug with plugin source not being set when plugins produce certain errors
Fix a bug where plugins would get incorrectly fetched via HTTP after they are already loaded/cached
Fix a bug with plugins not being loaded correctly when first added to the local plugin list
Editing an existing plugin:
Creating a new plugin based on a tutorial from the documentation:
Viewing the parent/child hierarchy of an asset:
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I’ve now released version 0.6.1 with the following change-log;
[0.6.1] - 2022-08-31
Make it simpler for other modules to provide default Asset Link plugins without their own controllers/routing
More aggressively rely on indexeddb caching in preference to network/worker caching
Cleaned up some warnings and unnecessary logging
Fixed a bug with how different browsers handle ‘indexeddb://’ plugin urls - #2
Fixed a bug with how extra plugin lists are stored/updated - #3
Don’t cache requests to /api
used to check connectivity/login status
I’ve now released version 0.6.2 with the following change-log;
[0.6.2] - 2022-09-03
Add support for creating/uploading ‘file–file’ entities as part of changing asset relationships
Add a photo input widget to make capturing or providing image files easier
Add a pane to the asset visual carousel for uploading asset images
Autofocus the text search input when searching for assets
Improve the styling of the asset visual carousel so the controls are easier to see
Improve how asset photos are loaded so the ‘file–file’ entity can come from the local cache if available
Improved plugin model documentation
Change how relationship schemas are loaded so they are valid as Orbit.js models
Remove example plugin that should not have been checked in
Demo of new photo capture widget and offline photo capture/storage for later upload;
I’ve now released version 0.6.3 with the following change-log;
[0.6.3] - 2022-09-04
Create a new component to render decoratable entity name text
Set the page title in index.html and upon route changes
Refactored the asset name rendering to distinguish page title and asset name decorators
Set the route title for the asset and manage plugins pages
Change the archived asset name icon to use a unicode icon that can also be rendered as the document.title
Use the entity name component to render asset names in the asset selector component
Use the entity name component to render asset names in the asset hierarchy dialog
Demo showing the page title updating live as an asset is unarchived/archived
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I’ve now released version 0.7.1 with the following change-log;
[0.7.1] - 2022-09-09
Added entity selection component
Support custom styles in Vue plugins
Expose currently logged in user id via the connection status detector
Add support for creating/uploading ‘file–file’ entities as part of creating/updating entities
Generalized asset searching/resolution functionality to work for all entity types
Fix dev server proxy for default plugins repo to pass through module-scoped plugin urls
Fix loading of asset relationship type enums to always be undefined
or a non-empty list
Fix warnings from OpenInFarmOSMetaActionProvider
Fix searching by entity UUID
Fix PhotoInput to only show capture button when it is supported
Fix JSON:API permission issue so non-admin users can upload files
Fix race condition where Orbit.js queries/updates can fail while online/offline status is changing
Hide the edit action for plugins without loaded source code e.g. disabled plugins
I’ve now released version 0.7.3 with the following change-log (0.7.2 works, but I realized that the release size was getting ridiculous because of some stale artifacts. 0.7.3 fixes that.);
[0.7.3] - 2022-09-10
Clean up stale files as part of release GitHub action to reduce release/install size
[0.7.2] - 2022-09-10
Add slot to ‘add plugin’ FAB menu so plugins can define their own buttons there
Add a list of group members to the asset page when viewing group assets
Add a list of location occupants to the asset page when viewing location assets
Support double-clicking on an result in the EntitySearch component to choose it immediately
Improve reactivity of asynchronously defined plugin functionality - slots/widgets/etc
Fix MoveAssetActionProvider to use the new EntitySearch component and resolve a minor warning
Fix Sidecar FloatingSidebar to use newly generalized EntityResolver component
Fix styling of manage plugins page so ‘add plugin’ FAB does not obscure plugin tree actions
Fix Orbit.js ‘some’ queries to use Drupal JSON:API ‘IN’ operator
I’ve now released version 0.7.4 with the following change-log;
[0.7.4] - 2022-10-09
Add the ability to navigate by clicking on group members and location occupants on the asset page
Add a entity searcher plugin to find entities by their old farmOS 1.x urls
Accept pasted images in PhotoInput component
Expose the AssetLink.fetch method to help support non-JSON:API or certain advanced use-cases
Fix a bug where group members or location occupants not in the cache would break the display on the asset page
Fix styling of search tabs so up to 5 can fit reasonably well
Fix the exception types in BarrierAwareOrbitSourceDecorator
Fix the resource field path inflector for Orbit.js so it doesn’t ‘dasherize’ relationships like ‘plant_type’
Remove the default routes/views for the home and about pages to open those route paths up for plugins in the future
I’ve now released version 0.7.5 with the following change-log;
[0.7.5] - 2022-10-18
Move the precaching out into a plugin since some use-cases will likely require precaching customization
Fix the hook_entity_create_access implementation name so our file upload fix actually works
I’ve now released version 0.7.6 with the following change-log;
[0.7.6] - 2022-10-21
Emit the ‘changed:assetLogs’ event when inventory quantities referencing an asset change
Add a plugin to show asset inventory quantities as badges in the asset page title
Perform precaching with lower priority than other JSON:API requests
Perform precaching requests serially to avoid blocking all browser request threads
Debounce search requests to no more than 1 per 500ms
Fix orbit.js record updated listener so it works when multiple update operations occur together
Set the default plugin config entity yml ‘user_defined’ property to null to avoid that appearing in the config sync updates report
December 5, 2022, 12:02pm
Mentioned earlier in this thread by @walt and @mstenta , Asset Link could be available on Farmier if Asset Link was tagged beta.
@Symbioquine , I just wonder if there are plans for this, and if so, do you have a rough time estimate for it?
It looks very useful, and would be nice to know this for my further use of FarmOS.
Thanks for the interest @pat ! It’s slow going, but yes, I’m still working on Asset Link.
The decision about if/when it becomes available on Farmier is up to Mike obviously, but the idea of waiting for at least a beta release seems wise. Right now I can only recommend it to folks who are interested in experimenting in non-critical settings or perhaps contributing.
At the moment, I’ve been experimenting with a bit of an abstraction layer over Orbit.js that takes care of some higher-level caching concerns which will allow Asset Link to scale to many more use-cases with reasonable performance. The problem is that Orbit.js does a good job with caching and offline data access at an individual entity (asset/log/etc) level, but doesn’t - for example - know about the connection between logs or the semantics of the Drupal changed
timestamp that all entities have. If I can make an API on top of Orbit.js which all queries/changes pass through that knows about those things, then Asset Link can make much faster decisions about whether it needs to talk to the server for a given bit of data - or when offline whether the data it already has is potentially complete enough to show.
Unfortunately, I’m probably farther from an Alpha release than I thought I was at the end of the Summer. The above with involve some pretty fundamental changes to the current Asset Link API.
I will try to keep this topic a bit better updated though. It helps to hear from folks who are interested in Asset Link!
December 5, 2022, 10:23pm
Ok, thats cool. I understand there’s more work to be done. Then I might try to set it up for a test in the meantime.
I’m glad to hear it might happen.
Is it translateable in the same way as FarmOS?
I can do a Norwegian translation if it get’s so far.
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I’ve now released version 0.8.2 with the following change-logs;
[0.8.2] - 2023-01-29
Fix bug with Webpack resolution of Quasar Dialog plugin - breaking all dialogs
[0.8.1] - 2023-01-29
Fix bug with options handling injecting fetch
into the AssetLink class
[0.8.0] - 2023-01-29
Add support for slot showIf predicates using jmespath
Add support for widget decorator vue template shorthand
Add support for slot shorthand context multiplexer
Add some basic smoke testing of AssetLink initialization and entity resolution
Add a AssetLink::halt method and test to show that resolving a cached asset involves no http requests
Automatically group requests via subrequests #1
Refactor entity model loading into a separate class and add tests
Refactor farm data access out into a new Asset Link core
Change Orbit.js JSON:API request timeout from 10s to 5s
Propagate transforms from memory to remote source synchronously
Fix bug where changed events wouldn’t be honored by the EntityResolver component
Fix handling of farmOS installations that are at subpaths rather than ‘/’
Fix handling of internal plugin data representation so it can be loaded in tests
Fix handling of Orbit.js query failures to avoid gumming up internal request queues
Cleaned up some unnecessary logging
Fixed task failure propagation in OrbitPriorityTaskQueue
Fixed handling of fetch
requests that throw exceptions in SubrequestsGroupingRequestFetcher
Plugin Code Features
For full descriptions see Asset Link Plugin API docs Extension Model
Slot Predicate Shorthand
alink-slot[com.example.farmos_asset_link.slots.v0.my_slot]="toolbar-item(weight: 200, showIf: 'pageName == `asset-page`')">
<q-btn flat dense to="/another/asset-link-page" icon="mdi-alarm-bell"></q-btn>
Slot Multiplexing Shorthand
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
symbol: {
type: String,
required: true,
<template alink-slot[com.example.farmos_asset_link.slots.v0.my_slot]=
'toolbar-item(multiplexContext: "[`\\uD83D\\uDE48`, `\\uD83D\\uDE49`, `\\uD83D\\uDE4A`][*].{ symbol: @ }")'>
<q-btn flat dense to="/another/asset-link-page" :label="props.symbol"></q-btn>
The above example is only slightly complicated by the detail that we’re using an array literal of unicode characters that must be represented with two escape characters. See Surrogate Pair Calculator etc. For most practical purposes one would actually be using JMESPath to transform the original context, not hard-code unicode characters, but it is still a fun example - thus included here.
More practically, here is another example showing the image relationships on an asset being multiplexed into multiple contexts - each of which is rendered as text in a div;
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
imgRef: {
type: Object,
required: true,
<template alink-slot[com.example.farmos_asset_link.slots.v0.image_ids]=
'page-slot(showIf: "pageName == `asset-page`", multiplexContext: "asset.relationships.image.data[*].{ imgRef: @ }")'>
<div>Image: {{ props.imgRef.type }} - {{ props.imgRef.id }}</div>
Widget Decorator Shorthand
="asset-name(weight: 150, appliesIf: 'asset.attributes.status != `archived`')">
<span><slot></slot> ☮</span>
I’ve now released version 0.10.0 with the following change-logs;
0.10.0 - 2023-02-05
Added a updates DLQ and improved UX of sync icon/tray to show queries and allow retrying/deleting failed updates
Change the entity resolver component to use q-inner-loading so core Asset Link UI remains usable
Move the top toolbar sync icon to the far left and make the sync tray appear under the toolbar
Set the current timestamp in the query/update options so we can tell when queries were originally created
Make location and groups asset title decorators query those relationships from the entity source, not its cache
Fix bug with useServiceWorkerUX.js when not running the service worker (i.e. in dev mode)
Fix AssetPageTitleWithGroupsWidgetDecorator plugin to not break when group assets/relationships are disabled
Fix MoveAssetActionProvider plugin to filter the current asset out of possible move destinations
Fix whitespace in test geometry comparison
Fix how retry errors are stored so they don’t break the tests due to fake-indexeddb serialization differences
Fix retry logic so retries do not happen after AssetLink instance is halted
Fix how change events are fired upon Orbit.js updates - was broken by recent refactoring
Fix location occupants slot provider plugin such that a given occupant with only appear once
0.9.0 - 2023-02-02
Move logic for farmOS data model locations and group membership into the core of Asset Link
Simplify location and group membership asset title plugins to use relationships from above refactoring
Fix bug with file uploads caused by refactoring
Fix bug where group membership calculation breaks when group module is not enabled
Fix bug where inventory calculation breaks when inventory module is not enabled
Screen Captures
Update DLQ + delete/retry
Explanation: Field A
is already located in Field C
which is already located in Field B
. Attempting to move Field B
to Field A
thus throws a circular location constraint violation when the update is sent to the server. The update gets retried a few times then moved to an internal DLQ whence users can choose to retry or delete the update.
1 Like
I’ve now released version 0.11.0 with the following change-logs;
[0.11.0] - 2023-02-11
Expose jmespath for import by plugins
Implement “computed” group/location relationships
Add a “persistent UX tray” area after the Asset Link toolbar title
Make updates non-blocking with the remote when offline
Make the toolbar title decoratable
Pin editor dialogs from manage plugins plugin in new persistent UX tray
Fire “changed:” events after updates have been fully settled with the memory source
Fix test for multiple movement locations/geometries and confirm that no fetch calls occur when offline
Screen captures
Persistent Plugin Editor Dialogs
I’ve now released version 0.12.0 with the following change-log;
[0.12.0] - 2023-02-20
Add some functional tests in a more scalable fashion
Add security warning/confirmation about installing untrusted plugins and plugin lists
Add an option to disable subrequest grouping to simplify testing
Update the memory cache when new data is supplied in the ‘includes’ field of remote server responses
Locally compute inventory values when necessary
Add a log page and basic support for viewing editing logs
Add a tasks page for viewing upcoming/late/recent logs
Switch to connecting to the farm-faux-cloud on port 1880
Conditionally compute location/geometry/group values
Throw exceptions when log-types/asset-types/taxonomy-vocabularies are missing
Clean up tests a little
Rename OpenInFarmOSMetaActionProvider plugin to OpenAssetInFarmOSMetaActionProvider for clarity
Fix a race condition related to going offline in one of the tests
Fix bug where the asset geometry/locations computed fields aren’t initially calculated for new assets
Fix a bug with how query results are merged when options.fullResponse
is set
Fix populating missing geometry/location/group computed fields for new assets
Cleanup logic around how querying location/group relations works
Fix a bug where clearing local data fails in development without the service worker installed
Fix a bug creating widget decorators via the shorthand without specifying a predicate
Fix asset group and location members page slots to only apply to the asset page
Screen captures
Basic log viewing/creation support & tasks page:
I’ve now released version 1.0.0-alpha1 with the following change-log;
[1.0.0-alpha1] - 2023-02-28
Add a “Reload from Server” meta action to assets and logs
Add support for asynchronous routes
Add convenience mechanisms for working with taxonomy terms
Handle Ctrl-s/Cmd-s to save from the plugin code editor
Update the test docker-compose environment to enable a few of the optional modules and add more default test data
Make loading of group members & location occupants actually fall through the cache when online
Make the remote search phase actually fall through the cache when online
Honor forceRemote
and new verifyCacheIntegrity
options in FarmDataModelOrbitMemorySourceDecorator
Make meta actions menu auto-close
Load asset page title locations/groups refresh from the server (if online) upon log changes
Make the find asset page load the asset again fully to ensure that all relationships are included
Fix bug with inventory queries
[0.13.0] - 2023-02-24
Skip adding sidebar to map popups
Fix connection status race condition and precache key structural data-model data
1 Like
March 4, 2023, 12:10pm
asset link module is a good idea! I wanted to try to install asset link but it doesn’t work on my farmos installation. the module does not load anything and the icon is not clickable. Is there any particular procedure to make the module work? Thank you
1 Like
Hi @altix , welcome to the forum and thanks for taking the time to try Asset Link!
There shouldn’t be any extra steps needed beyond installing the farmOS module so this is probably a bug. I do need more information to determine the cause though.
I’ve opened an issue at Report of Asset Link not loading · Issue #34 · symbioquine/farmOS_asset_link · GitHub - if you’re comfortable with GitHub, it would be awesome if you could check for errors in your browser console and provide them on that issue along with what versions of Asset Link and farmOS you’re running.
Otherwise, I can help with diagnosis via Matrix chat https://matrix.to/#/@symbioquine:matrix.org or in a new forum thread here .