Creating a standard 'interpretation' layer on top of core farmOS schema

Thanks for getting this conversation started @gbathree - and thanks for all the great thoughts @Symbioquine!

I spoke with @gbathree on the phone a bit about these ideas yesterday. I think a lot of what we talked about is covered above, but I’ll summarize some of the thoughts…

I’m excited to see the community move towards a more formal process for these kinds of things! Since the beginning I’ve felt that there are two sides to designing the farmOS data model. On the one hand, as developers, we are coding a flexible data architecture that can be used to represent the full breadth of possibilities in farm production systems. This requires limiting how “opinionated” the architecture is, so that we don’t create barriers. On the other hand, as a community of users, we are honing in on “conventions” on top of the data architecture, which standardize HOW the available data structures are used in practice.

I see this as a necessary process to work through together, and I believe that these conventions will naturally bubble up over time as more people use farmOS and share what they are doing. And especially as we start to build some of the bigger cross-instance features (eg: sharing and aggregating data). In order for data to be “comparable”, it needs to be following the same conventions.

We’ve been taking small steps already, with quick forms and surveys that constrain user input, to ensure that it goes into the database in a standard format. This is the best way to encourage convention alignment moving forward, I believe, and a lot of the work will simply be building these kinds of data collection tools for various use-cases.

But the idea of formulating higher-level documented “Conventions” (with a capital C) is a great idea @gbathree - as a way of documenting some of the little decisions we’ve been making in these case-by-case input forms. I could see a whole section of the forum (or other platform) dedicated to this kind of process and documentation.

And I think we should expect multiple overlapping Conventions to develop in parallel. Over time, these “rules” can evolve, merge, split, and reformulate themselves as more and more use-cases and requirements need to be accommodated.