Design Improvements: the Hierarchical Data Model vs the Graph-like UX

Yes, I think these kinds of tags are similar to what I was referring to as “meta-types”, in other words, relationships or connections between the core entities that bring additional semantic value to the entities. I’d love to hear more examples of the sorts of tags you would find most useful.

I should familiarize myself more with some of the dashboards and reports you’re working on. Those could be a good place to experiment with new UX ideas, before possibly integrating them into more central farmOS layouts.

I still think the best way to approach this would be to start using the component library I’m building up for use in Field Modules, but in farmOS itself. I think that would be a good way to introduce some of the design ideas to farmOS and gradually move towards a more integrated look & feel between farmOS and Field Kit.

This just makes me think… what if we had an alternative “core” library for farmOS itself, the way that Field Kit does, but that would accept the same Field Modules that Field Kit does? So instead of the “core” library being the app shell of a SPA, the way it is for Field Kit, it could be a library that loads the modules in from the server and integrates them with the regular farmOS UI. Does that make sense? I can definitely see some interesting possibilities there… :thinking: Perhaps that becomes our long-term goal, after incorporating the component library into farmOS, that could gradually lead to the current UI being relegated to a sort of admin view.

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