Call for Content!

I like the idea of having content from folks of varying degrees of experience using farmOS, kinda how “unboxing” videos can be informative. @Farmer-Ed has also been doing some great posts on his site, kind of similar to what you described. Another thing to point out is that we can make sure to have add a canonical link back to your site for any content, so if you write something up and after the fact realize it would be a good piece for the farmOS blog, then we could syndicate it, so to speak.

Totally! I actually did something similar for the intitial work on the new website and it seemed to work alright. We didn’t get too many votes on the forum, but we left it open til the following monthly call and did a final vote there.

Oy, I hear ya, personally I’m trying to practice more restraint with my commitments as we head into year 3 of this. But I’m sure we’ll still have plenty to use a hand with come March or later!

Yea, I like this! Perhaps in combo with a proposal and vote on the forum like @texasecofarms suggested above.

I might’ve beat you to the punch, actually! To go along with my proposal for the website scaffolding, I initially drafted up a procedure for this kind of thing, in Community Governance, but I think we could definitely update it for these proposals, since they’ll likely be narrower in scope.

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