Conventions Call - 2024.12.05

Rose, @julietnpn, @mikefarms, @gbathree, Ken

What is the landscape of farm management data conventions? Is there a related work?

This is an important question as we start to defend what we’ve done so far and encourage continued work.

What’s out there?

Michael is trying to advise ranchers on where to put their data.

Rose thinks it is about what you want to do and why.

Non-technical folks defining conventions? - maybe adapt

If you want to go into farmOS - definitely Common Farm Convention)

Common Farm Convention (and farmOS) is structured so it is true to how it is on the ground.

GOAL is that we have a community of companies or organizations who use this standard so our ability to collaborate with each other is in hyperdrive mode.

Michael is interested in mapping the schema from to farmOS. So a Home Assistant integration for farmOS.

New person joined us - Ken with Leaf Link

Ken recently came into somewhat unplanned possession of a lot of robots and hydroponic system hardware.

He wants to start a robotics company to overcome the labor shortage that is associated with nursery and farmers due to the heat. They conceptualized helping the workers move the plants around. How do we move a plant without knowing where the plant is? RFID concept: put a tag just below the surface of each potted plan.

In doing this research he came across farmOS. He’s looking to leverage farmOS as a central repository for the users and the robots.

He’s got a growing team of technologists starting work on this. We encouraged him to hop on the forum and post so @mstenta can engage with him.

Fun fact: we all have touch points on hydroponics / aquaponics!

Ken suggests incorporating Grafana as an observation platform:

The process of making the user experience better on farmOS, adapting it, customizing it, is something that really needs to be documented on the farmOS forum. Its currently lacking.