Date format in FarmOS log listings


Hosted FarmOS:
Is there a way to adjust date format in the log listings (and in the dashboard)?
They don’t show in my standard date format D/M/Y.

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There isn’t a setting for it currently, but this has been requested: Make date format configuration easier [#2782195] |

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For reference, here is the admin date and time format settings:

And the log.timestamp field views relevant format configuration in views:
Screenshot from 2022-08-11 09-21-10

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At first glance I’m surprised that the “Default short date” includes the time. But I guess that is OK.

Also notable is that you can add custom formats as well. And, the default formats above can be deleted so we can’t assume they are always there (although maybe config dependencies solves this). They have IDs long, medium and short. Considering this, I might recommend we add log_long, log_medium and log_short timestamp formats. Other modules could then depend on these date formats.

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