In the meantime, the best way is probably to just create a log that represents the task, and one or more quantity measurements on the log with a “Measure” of “Time” to represent the time spent. This will at least allow you to get the data in, but it isn’t great at separating out WHO did it, if you have more than one person working on task. That’s what the “Time Quantity” will add: a user reference field on the quantities themselves.
Regarding labor logging here are the attributes we would want to use in FarmOS 2.0: FarmOS—look into uploading CSV labor records for FarmOS
Labor CSV for uploading into FarmOS
Activity Code
Since we will have multiple laborers, and not all of them will have access to FarmOS through the FieldKit, this will need to be a CSV document that we upload…I’m guessing. Based on this thread, I’m guessing we will have experiment with this part of the process.