For other folks who run into this, I wanted to share some interesting details;
- I would recommend staying away from the plugins developed by the “miniOrange” company. (Including the one referenced by that guide above.) They may work well (I don’t really know) but I found their sales strategy of publishing freeware modules and documentation mixed in with Drupal’s - generally free - ecosystem, disingenuous.
- Instead, consider the openid_connect module and possibly some of the plugins that extend it.
Here’s what I did to set up farmOS to authenticate with Keycloak;
Module installation
composer require 'drupal/openid_connect:^1.4'
drush en openid_connect
composer require 'drupal/keycloak:^1.8'
drush en keycloak
Keycloak Configuration
Create groups for each of the roles in farmOS. farmos_manager
, farmos_viewer
, etc.
Client / Client Groups Mapper
Configure a new OAuth client in Keycloak and add a custom groups mapper under its dedicated client scope;

Don’t forget to copy the client secret from the credentials tab for the next step…
farmOS configuration
Under the OpenID Connect configuration at https://farmos.test/admin/config/services/openid-connect
Or via drush
drush config:set -y --input-format=yaml openid_connect.settings ? "
always_save_userinfo: true
connect_existing_users: true
override_registration_settings: true
user_login_display: replace
timezone: zoneinfo
drush config:set -y --input-format=yaml openid_connect.settings.keycloak ? "
enabled: true
client_id: farmos
client_secret: ERAvaJhmFq6N8okacpIBaTrDMBl2ADLp
keycloak_base: 'https://login.farmos.test'
keycloak_realm: kirchoff_farm
userinfo_update_email: true
enabled: true
claim_name: groups
split_groups: false
split_groups_limit: '0'
id: 3c128a59-f2ce-463b-9e67-8d5b6516116e
role: farm_manager
action: add
operation: regex
pattern: farmos_manager
case_sensitive: false
weight: 0
enabled: true
id: ecfe635f-d2e5-4e6c-8336-f1ab90f17270
role: farm_manager
action: remove
operation: not_regex
pattern: farmos_manager
case_sensitive: false
weight: 0
enabled: true
id: fce61742-011c-46c2-b7b6-1b372fec3321
role: farm_worker
action: add
operation: regex
pattern: farmos_worker
case_sensitive: false
weight: 0
enabled: true
id: 6bb6d978-9c23-477b-8b04-6b95391ac931
role: farm_worker
action: remove
operation: not_regex
pattern: farmos_worker
case_sensitive: false
weight: 0
enabled: true
id: 5e1aa944-d04e-42f0-b13a-8b15dbe480de
role: farm_viewer
action: add
operation: regex
pattern: farmos_viewer
case_sensitive: false
weight: 0
enabled: true
id: 911a05cf-bfc2-4030-893c-e0963b9e41c9
role: farm_viewer
action: remove
operation: not_regex
pattern: farmos_viewer
case_sensitive: false
weight: 0
enabled: true
keycloak_sso: true
keycloak_sign_out: true
interval: 2
redirect_url: ''
keycloak_i18n_enabled: false
check_session_enabled: 0
keycloak_groups_enabled: 0"
Clear Cache
The OpenID Connect module doesn’t seem to invalidate the login page cache correctly so a cache rebuild is needed before you’ll see the changes on the login page.
drush cr
Login Issue
There’s an issue where logins will (almost) always end up on a access denied page upon successful login.
The work-around is to install the r4032login module that makes all the logins occur via the /user/login
composer require 'drupal/r4032login:^2.2'
drush en r4032login
farmos.test note
I’m using the domains login.farmos.test
& farmos.test
with self-signed certificates so I needed to configure the root CA so that Drupal could make requests directly to Keycloak over https. This isn’t needed in production with real certificates of course.
curl.cainfo = "/localRootCA.pem"
- './devcerts/rootCA.pem:/localRootCA.pem'