Installing on DDEV via Composer

Yes! I’ve been using DDEV for well over a year and it makes me really happy. IMO it is much much easier to use for local development than our official docker workflow, especially when you are working on multiple “projects” and need separate environments for each one.

Here is my DDEV template that I copy/paste when starting new farmOS projects:

I mostly agree, but it would be nice if we could include a link in our official development docs that point to these other options so that they are more visible. In my experience I have seen a much higher success rate when pointing people to using DDEV vs our custom docker instructions :person_shrugging: A big problem that DDEV solves is the docker compatibility/performance issue across different operating systems.

Example: I work on a project with .ddev configuration commited. I shared DDEV installation instructions with 2 devs, one using Mac, one using Windows. All they needed was git clone, ddev start, copy DB dump then ddev pgsql_import and they were up and running.