Is it possible to use custom fields and filtering in asset views and filter by a range of birth dates?

I agree that’s probably the logical next step.

Note that there are three parts to the “Assign log” action…

  1. The action plugin:
  2. The action form:
  3. The routing configuration, which creates the /log/assign path and loads the LogAssignActionForm:

It may be possible to generalize LogAssignActionForm.php to AssignActionForm.php, such that it can be used for both. This looks to be the most important line, where it specifically loads the log entity type definition:

The routing config can be refactored to provide two paths: /log/assign and /asset/assign, and provide an additional argument to the LogAssignActionForm to define the entity type (asset or log). That should take care of the form.

As for src/Plugin/Action/LogAssign.php - I would probably create a new AssignBase.php class, which that extends from. Then create another AssetAssign.php action plugin class that also extends from it. The most important thing that needs to differ in each is this: