Asset View Columns - Adding existing fields

I realised that some of my animals have missing birthdates, and this slipped by us because we never noticed the missing data in asset list view. Now I can’t help but notice the missing columns in asset view, and could not for the love of oats find a way to add/modify the displayed columns. Can anyone give me a pointer?
I looked through the forums, and couldn’t find much about this, so I think it might just be my setup.


There are fields like owner (which we don’t care about here) but birthdate would be useful as a column. Also can’t filter on it. Is this a config thing?

This ties in with my “so much data, but can’t see it” problem. I am not sure if I messed up my FarmOS instance here tbh. :thinking:

Sorry if this doesn’t answer your actual question, but maybe it will help…

Fields that are specific to a particular kind of asset - like birthdate - only appear on the asset view that only shows that kind of asset.

So if you go to /assets (e.g. it will only show the fields that all assets have, but if you go to /assets/animal it will show more columns including the birthdate.



The same concept applies in your screenshot. There are two views of the assets under than animal type term. If you change from the “All” tab to the “Animal” tab, yo should see the additional fields that apply only to animal assets.


@mstenta I think this is definitely an area for improvement. What do you think about hiding the “All” tab in this case - or at least automatically selecting the “Animal” tab?


Well… shoot.
I did not notice that or try it before. I use these shortcuts to “display all XYZ” and then filter (and birthdate wasn’t even a filter).
Thank you very much. I am almost ashamed to only learn about the tabs now.

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Yea that makes sense, at least in theory! I wonder if it will be a simple change in the code. :thinking: