Something that I’m seeing that would be helpful is to have some sort of watering activity/schedule available.
Now, I’m on smaller sites and normally will be, and this one in particular is in the establishment phase, so it might be a limited use case and potentially not worth considering as a feature.
It would be helpful to be able to assign a bed something like this:
From calendar date to calendar date (30 days, etc), create daily watering activity
After that, from calendar date to calendar date, create every other day watering task
Finally, set a maintenance watering task
These three could be set as separate activities, but I think the calendar range and recurring task idea in scheduling would be the key thing.
For this site I haven’t planted everything at once, different beds were created at different times, and filled over time, so the watering schedules have varied and I’ve found it a pain to try and keep track of when I should switch.
I would be interested in hearing how anyone else has tackled this, if they’ve had the issue.
I could also see a dedicated “Irrigation Plan” type, potentially. That could be more dedicated/customized for irrigation specifically. Moreso than just a general recurring tasks plan that’s described in that issue.
There has also been talk of creating a new “Irrigation” log type, specifically for watering/irrigation tasks, to make it more explicit. Right now I use “Input” logs for this, when I need to record that (which isn’t often in my case). That’s what I have recommended to others in the past.
Found a way to achieve what I wanted to do with this. I use the Input log as you recommend and create a new activity that’s dated out to when I need to modify the watering amount. I create one of these events as soon as I plant something new.
Great idea. Irrigation/water demand or irrigation planner is ‘complex’ feature. Weather forecasts, soil moisture, crop growth stage. Would be interested to explore how we can hook our AI based services into FarmOS.