Work Proposal: Support for community content on

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I’ll get moving on these changes tomorrow and report on my progress by the end of the week. For now, I’m going to close the poll, since we’ve reached consensus.

Been meaning to get back to this, and I don’t intend go too crazy with the CSS, but it should be pretty easy to just set up images to display nicely as blocks between paragraphs. That’s how I do it on my personal blog and it requires no additional CSS or anything beyond normal Markdown syntax. I do tweak the max-width setting as recommended for the gatsby-remark-images plugin, but it is ultimately constrained by the max-width of its container, the .post element.

As for video embeds, that depends upon how we specifically choose to do embed them, but assuming that may require raw HTML in place of plain Markdown anyways, I don’t see any major issues incorporating that into the blog template. This is once again where it will be nice to be able to specify the template for each source, so if there are styles that we prefer for tutorials as opposed to documentation, that can be done indpendently. I’m also sure there are plugins that could add some pizzazz w/o too much additional effort, but I don’t intend to look into that right now, mostly because I don’t think we have a clearly defined alternative design, at least not at this point.

I should also point out that, if anyone wants to start a more permanent repository for the blog content, or fork the example repo I started, they can then start experimenting with different tagging structures in the Front Matter. I left a little more explanation for how this repo connects to the farmOS/ repo itself in this earlier topic:

And the even earlier discussion we had about possible ways to structure those tags:

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