Animals Lines/Family Trees Plugin or Visualisation

Reference Animals really are an animal asset. Although you may not own the animal itself you somewhere along the line acquired its protege, embryo, semen or?.

Some of these assets may have a need to track inventory. If I buy 40 units of semen from a particular bull I would think to enter, sire, dam and bull all as reference assets but the inventory on bull would be 40 and a type of “semen”.

I have to do some digging in the DB to understand exactly how those relationships work.

As for the option to add a totally different asset type tather than a flag personally I’d create a view and filter on “ref” and keep everything as one asset type


Hadn’t thought of that use-case for inventory @WHFarms - but it should work just fine! Any asset in farmOS can have inventory adjustments recorded against it, and the “current inventory” will be displayed on the asset’s page (and can be obtained via API or PHP services). So maybe a module could provide some dedicated UI for this purpose specifically, but leverage the underlying data storage and logic.


Just to touch on this point… yea that’s the dream @WHFarms! And yes, the transition from 1.x to 2.x was basically a rewrite to modernize the code, and was largely dictated by our biggest upstream dependency: Drupal. The upgrade from Drupal 7 to 8 (or in our case 9) was huge and very painful. But now that it’s done, the following upgrades have been (and in theory should continue to be) much smoother. We went from 9 to 10 (farmOS v2 to v3) very easily, and 10 to 11 looks like it will be similar. We used the 9-to-10 as an opportunity to make some breaking changes ourselves and incremented our major version to 3. We might follow that pattern moving forward.

But this is all a work in progress, and all help is welcome, not only in developing features but also in developing our distributed open source community processes! Those take a lot of time too, and are arguably more important for long term sustainability/maintenance IMO.

That’s all just to say… we are ALL stakeholders here, including you, if you want to be. :slight_smile: