▣🔗 Asset Link - Use-case Drive

Good questions, @Symbioquine :

I ultimately want the text, so if the audio can be transcribed immediately to text (i.e. the way i input most texts of any significant length on my iPhone), that would be preferable.

Depending on what info/ used by whom, it is eitherTrello (kanban) boards, Google docs & sheets, or Notion (the only proper db in the lot) in a few edge cases. So we can say: mass-market Cloud SAS apps, as a rule -all of which have decent API access, as it happens.

As concerns provision of links to related log files, i like the direction this is going w/ @pat … And as to context-sensitive classification of assets, by QR code and/or GeoLocation, i’m thrilled to hear that you’ve got such capability integrated already.

Can’t wait to have this running on my iPhone &sync’d to my farmOS instance at Farmier!

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