Thanks for the opportunity to post
I keep reading and seeing features of FarmOS that I like, but cannot find them on my own instance. It feels like I did something wrong. I have an updated, latest version and nothing strange customised.
I would like to know how to view my data as graphs (because I find viewing and analysing my data confusing).
On my weather station sensor page, there is no graph. I also cannot figure out how to display any logged data as a graph. The data exists (for instance, let’s say say my temperature readings).
Thanks for reading and helping.
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Hi @marlonv - sensor data graphs were available in farmOS v1, but haven’t been implemented yet in farmOS v2. Here is the open issue for that: https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/3203015
The upgrade from v1 to v2 was a major rewrite, and we had limited budget, so we had to make some tough decisions about where to spend the resources. Unfortunately sensor data graphs didn’t make the cut. It’s only a matter of time before someone steps forward to either a) do the work and contribute it, or b) offer to sponsor the development! So it will happen eventually. 
There is also an open request for graphing quantity data (this was not available in v1 either): https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/2941620
If I remember correctly, there is still some background work to do to add general support for graphs to farmOS, and then we can start implementing them in specific places (like data streams, quantities, and future reports, etc).
In the meantime, there are some DIY options available. You can access the data stream data via API, so if you are comfortable building something with JavaScript you can choose whatever graphing library you want and build it out to point at your farmOS API URL(s).
Hope that helps you understand the current state and options.