Starting this thread to discuss the development of the core farm_notification module to handle general notification logic as a follow on from this weeks development meeting and recent PR to add Data Stream notifications to a menu.
This could be a great addition to farmOS and useful far beyond data streams, such as other notifications like “logs to be assigned/due” and “inventory levels” etc. Currently only the data_stream_notification uses this new farm_notification module, but some of its logic needs to be transferred for more general use on any future notification modules.
It seems like we might need to add some concept of “notification_type”… but not sure.
I’m not sure on this one either, perhaps each tab/module could be considered a notification type?
Overall I hope the existing condition and delivery plugin design will still work. Ideally the delivery plugins are designed to be compatible with any “notification_type”.
Agreed the delivery plugins should be designed for any notification type, I’ve been experimenting with notification services like ntfy and Telegram, which I think could be made into delivery plugins.
A similar plugin could send “events” to calendars and Node-Red I wonder if that is blurring the lines of what is defined a notification though?
But I think it’s natural that condition plugins might need to be specific for each "notification_type’
Yes it could be tricky to make a one size fits all condition plugin, the current numeric type works for data streams and I’d image could work for an inventory notification module but logs might want states like “pending/done” or “if in location” etc. I presume a module should be able to define it’s own custom plugin where needed?