Data extraction post harvest

I would like to generate a complete report for a planting asset post-harvest. I would like it to include all logs pertaining to a specific asset, harvest, inputs, observations, transplant, seeding, etc. In the Reports section, there is an info tab that I thought would be the most logical way but I can’t seem to set any filters to extract the data. If I use filters in the logs section I don’t get all the details for quantities. Any use case examples welcome.

Ah yea there isn’t really a single way IN farmOS to generate a report for an asset. I like the idea a lot though!

In the meantime, you would need to cobble things together from a few different places, probably, especially if you are recording multiple quantities in logs (most of the log lists can only show the first quantity, but the quantity report at /farm/report/quantity can be used to get the other ones).

I would love to see more “Export to PDF” options in general in farmOS.

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