Download farm info?

Hello I spent a few hours playing around with FarmOS hosted on Famier, and I thought it could be really useful. Now that I have some land to grow on, I would like to use it more seriously. I have an old computer that I would like to try hosting it on, is there a way to download the information I entered online? My trial period has expired. Thanks!

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If the trial is expired, you won’t have access anymore. If you tell me your URL I’ll extend the trial for a couple days so you can get what you need.

There isn’t a one-click solution to moving data from one farmOS instance to another, but there are some options. The simplest (although somewhat limited) is to export KML and CSV files and then import them on the new instance. Note that CSV exports do NOT always include everything you entered (as they are only 2 dimensional, and farmOS data structures can hold more than that).


The way to get “complete” data is to use the API, which would give you the full record data in JSON format. Then you can push that to your new instance’s API. See

Hope that helps!

Hello Mike,

I have been using farmOS with Farmier for the last year. Happy user!

I’m at a point where I have many input logs with multiple quantities. These are ‘tank mixes’ with multiple constituents. When downloading the CSV list of the input logs, only the first quantity makes it into the CSV file. How about replicating the input log line for each quantity in the input log, so that all quantities make it to the CSV file?

The alternative is to make (clone) input logs for each quantity. Is it intended to do it this way? In my case it means a 50-some input logs become 200-300-ish separate logs, some extra work and a ‘less tidy’ overview in logs, calendar and so on. But it’s do-able.

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Hi @kareldew - This is what the “Quantity Report” module was made for! :slight_smile:

Essentially what it does is allow you to filter down individual quantity measurements, as opposed to filtering down individual logs. So if a log has multiple quantity measurements on it, you will get a separate row for each in the report. You can filter by log type and other criteria (eg: in your case filter to only include Input logs), and you can export the results to a CSV.

The module may need to be enabled for you to see it show up (on the Dashboard under Reports > Quantity). If you don’t see if, send me an email or a DM (from my profile) and I can enable it on your Farmier-hosted instance! :slight_smile: