Trying to bend this neat little Python script from @paul121 to my own practical purposes, my efforts have been largely frustrated on account of my lack of understanding about the farmOS v2 data model.
Have browsed the online docs: nice, but insufficiently detailed. Have also browsed (using Firefox; can’t do this in Safari or Chrome apparently) the API of my farm’s instance: another nice hi-level view, but when i try to click thru to details from any of those endpoints, i get told "The current user is not allowed to GET the selected resource."
. So: following the 4-step process outlined on Authentication page, i went to the /oauth/authorize
endpoint of my instance, filled out the ID & Pwd fields of popup modal window with codes I KNOW to be good, but all i ever get in return is another request for codes, no matter how many times I try this (multiple tries with 2 different admin-level account codes, and always the same result).
SO: Presuming this to be the best method available to access a comprehensive (& comprehensible!) view of farmOS v2 data model[1], can somebody please give me the open sesame for such access?
NB: I don’t even need a write-privileged access to API of my own instance; read-only access to any old instance would do me just fine, since they all share a common database schema, presumably.
[1] If there be some other form of data model documentation available, I will take whatever I can get at this point! (Must be a quirk of my advanced age, but I do pine for the good old days when there was a ERD to be had for every relational database )