farmOS 2.x Alpha Feedback

This forum topic can be used for feedback and comments from farmOS 2.x alpha testers.

For more information see: farmOS 2.x Releases (and What to Expect)


Congratulations and great work!

Where would you like features requests? (remember the trait feature of logs that we discussed; as opposed to quantity?)

Also, do you have a live dev instance where we can play with/hit the endpoints? Otherwise, I should just be less lazy and spin up a local instance.


@Kipling see Use Tugboat for development previews and possibly demos, I have a live preview available & linked there. I haven’t tested the API with OAuth in these previews… I think there could be an issue with that. But GET requests from the browser are working fine.

If you’re hoping to do any development I’d suggest spinning up a local instance though!

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Where would you like features requests? (remember the trait feature of logs that we discussed; as opposed to quantity?)

I’d love to start a dedicated topic to discuss that one! We had some good thoughts in chat (we should dig up the link to that archive and link to it), but I think there were still some questions/considerations. First step might be listing out what the use-cases are. Excited to talk about that! Want to kick it off @Kipling? I’ll try to dig up and link to past convos…

Dunno if this is the place to nail up issues we find in v2.x Alpha (given date of last post, i suspect the action may be somewhere else), but as i am now experimenting w/ API, creating records that need to be deleted, i just noticed a couple of things that strike me as wrong:

  1. Try to delete a Plant asset that’s got a Seeding log attached, and it fails with the following message (in tiny type at top of blank screen): “The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.” Well… You can “try again later” until the cows come home, but- presuming that this is an illegal operation that’s run afoul of data integrity constraints -the app should throw a more informative error message, and/or try to prevent such problems with some up-front cautions about using Delete feature.
  2. Related issue is: there is nothing to show you on the Asset detail view any related Log entries; you have to click the “Log” link to see if there are any. Version 1.x handles this in a much nicer way, by displaying all related Log entries -including links to the details on those- listed out below the Asset details. This would be a good place -per point (1) above- to warn user something like “The following Logs are related to this Asset, and will block any attempt to delete that Asset, so long as related Logs persist.”

Neither of these are bugs i guess; just a coupla hairs in this otherwise Beautiful Soup :slight_smile:


Thanks @walt - great points!

Re #1 - You hit the nail on the head. This is because the Seeding log references the asset. We are tracking this issue upstream here: 500 error when deleting referenced entities via JSONAPI [#3195039] | - @paul121 made a patch for it which returns a better error message. We are mainly waiting on the upstream maintainer of the Entity Reference Integrity module to merge it. If they don’t get around to that soon then we may just include the patch in farmOS itself.

Re #2 - the alpha3 release adds a “Logs” tab to assets so you can see which logs reference them.

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@walt FYI I merged the patch for the 500 error: 500 error when using VBO to delete an asset referenced by a log [#3192238] |

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Good to hear, @mstenta; i just wonder, in my particular case- a dev instance in Farmier hosting, still running w/ Alpha2- i wonder if you will skip Alpha3 and go straight to Alpha4 in the next push. ?

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Indeed that’s the plan @walt ! I may even merge another thing or two and tag alpha5! :wink:

Gotta love the rhythm of these releases of late. Rock on, y’all!


Hi guys, nice to be here. I am an innovator that want to create a farm management platform for farmers with some of the FarmOS features but on my own server. Can I get any assistance from FarmOS because I do not code yet.


Hi @Spencer! Thanks for reaching out. The core farmOS team has been quite busy lately developing 2.x and continuing to upgrade modules and dependencies from other community partners. If you are interested in sponsoring custom development you can always reach out (by email or direct messages here) but I would recommend sharing your ideas in a new thread on the forum, too! It is not uncommon that a feature would benefit and be of interest to many users, perhaps others that could help develop them :slight_smile:

There is also a monthly and weekly development call you can join: farmOS Community Calls The development call would be a great place to ask questions if you are interested in doing custom development and extending farmOS.


Hi @Spencer - documentation for setting up a local development environment and developing modules is here:

Feel free to join the monthly call, or the farmOS chat room if you have specific questions. :slight_smile:

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Thanks Mike for your response, will wait for the monthly call for December already on my calendar. Regards

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Thanks Paul for your reply. Will join the December meeting. Regards

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I’m going to close and unpin this topic.