Thank you for taking this up. This is the result
root@d7b4acb2949e:/opt/drupal# drush migrate:messages farm_migrate_taxonomy_plant_type
-------------- ------------------- ------- -----------------------------------
Source ID(s) Destination ID(s) Level Message
-------------- ------------------- ------- -----------------------------------
11 1 [taxonomy_term: 11]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
23 1 [taxonomy_term: 23]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
25 1 [taxonomy_term: 25]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
31 1 [taxonomy_term: 31]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
66 1 [taxonomy_term: 66]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
67 1 [taxonomy_term: 67]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
69 1 [taxonomy_term: 69]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
74 1 [taxonomy_term: 74]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
75 1 [taxonomy_term: 75]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
77 1 [taxonomy_term: 77]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
78 1 [taxonomy_term: 78]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
82 1 [taxonomy_term: 82]:
langcode.0=The value you selected
is not a valid choice.
Seems like it’s language-related…
In my farmos_v1 installation I have installed 2 additional modules (locale and l10_update) for language settings as I mentioned in this post farmOS translation (i18n) - #4 by PDorfFarm
Now I have installed the module farm_l10n in my farmos_v2 installation (it seemed like the most similar module compared to the 2 in farmos_v1). However migration still fails with the same error message.
After adding German as additional language, I was no able to overcome this error. However now there error:
48/60 [======================>-----] 80% [error] Migration failed with source plugin exception: Log 187 has both area references and movement area references. See in /opt/drupal/web/profiles/farm/modules/core/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/source/d7/FarmLog.php line 138
investigating further… :-/