This is my first season using FarmOS and while I think FarmOS is very flexible in it’s workflow, there is some level of structure defined.
I was looking at what I would do going in to next year and was curious what the general consensus of a workflow is.
- I don’t want to see old plantings so I am assuming that once I am done with a planting for a season I would archive it
- Would logs related to that planting need to be archived separately or do they automatically get archived? (Seeding, transplant, input, observation etc)
- I know some views will still show archived items but is it easy to look back and find those archived items to look at performance and changes, especially over multiple seasons for a particular crop?
I am sure I can think of other scenarios but I am sure this gets the point across.
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That’s correct - archiving assets will hide them from the default lists/maps/etc, but they will still be accessible for future reference. You can use the “Filter/sort” options to include archived assets in /farm/assets/plantings (and other lists).
Would logs related to that planting need to be archived separately or do they automatically get archived? (Seeding, transplant, input, observation etc)
Nope - technically there isn’t an “archived” status for logs at all - that only exists for assets. So the logs will always appear in the Logs > Seeding (and other types) menus. Think of logs as the raw stream of activities on the farm, and assets are just a higher level record for organizing them. So the assets lists will be more tailored to what you care about seeing in the current season, whereas log lists will be all the events (related to assets or not).
The same is true of areas - think of them as a higher level organizing record. The difference is that currently it’s not possible to “archive” areas. But that’s on the roadmap! (Here’s the plan for that:
I know some views will still show archived items but is it easy to look back and find those archived items to look at performance and changes, especially over multiple seasons for a particular crop?
I think I answered this above, but yes you can use the “Filter/sort” options to include archived assets in lists. The hope is that those filtering options provide a lot of flexibility to filter down lists to exactly what you want to see - so you can (for example) show all assets of a particular crop/variety, across all seasons.
Great questions!