Land asset (farmOS:land:1.0)

Some more context: we are currently working on defining a “SHMU” (Soil Health Management Unit) convention in the NRCS module for use by farms that are participating in NRCS projects that follow CEMA 216.

A SHMU is defined as (from the link above):

Soil Health Management Unit (SHMU) is one or more planning land units with similar soil type, land use, and management that can vary in size or acreage depending on soil texture, topography, and cropping system. SHMU is like a conservation management unit but designed to assess soil health status and potential limitations on soil health indicators.

The thought was that this SHMU convention would ideally extend (inherit_from) a core farmOS convention. Originally I proposed calling that convention “Land management unit” to represent a land asset that is specifically for managed practices (as opposed to something like wild land areas). Eventually the discussion led to simply calling the convention “Land asset”. I’m curious to hear what others in the community think of this.

We are also going to be defining an NRCS-specific soil testing convention for CEMA 216, which will extend from farmOS:soil-test:1.0 (Soil tests (farmOS:soil-test:1.0)), so that was also part of the reasoning for extending the SHMU convention off of a farmOS core convention.