I have been thinking about this too as I am growing a small Cow Calf herd…
Starting with Cow/Calf Operation:
Flexible Identification done well today
this can be done via animal characteristics on taxonomy by breed - should come up with must haves and optional fields then use those in extension
Breeding and Pregnancy:
Should track Embroyo, Natural and AI breedings, pregnancy checks and other activities related to proper management of a cow calf herd. These mostly are “Logs” that just need to be created and then task and reporting from there.
breeding log type (putting bull out or ai), preg check log type linked to group of animals or single animals
Purchase/Sales/Co Ownership
Should accurately track dates of cattle status changes, death losses, and price of cattle.
i had an idea 4 years ago to use USDA data to track prices by stockyards nearby, i got api access but struggled with oauth to json it to farmOS. cattle status changes, death, losses would be animal records with a field for those status. I think a report page for overall herd would help all of that and where they are in the bang birth drop repeat cycle.
EPD and EBV’s
Calfhood details (weight, date, weaning date and weight) including of the dam condition. Performance data
we do visuals here and decide if we like the genetics and to keep, weaning date can be calculated like cattlemax does with the animal characteristics and presented on the dashboard page
Breed Details
Color, Horns, markings
to me these are animal characteristics already available
Rotational Movement History. In reality everyone is a rotational grazer. Some people just move them more than others but everyone takes cattle and puts them into a pen and then removes them from a pen. I use daily paddock moves, ranchers out west us section pastures for a few weeks or months but everyone moves them sometime.
somehow assign animals to locations and use the date of the log to find how long before moved and be able to report the movement with days between, I am interested in this too since we are primarily grass farmers.
Pedigrees at least 3 generations
Reporting. This seems to be a major open issue. There needs to be the ability to quickly create reports and change criteria.
this is where I think the most development will be along with the dashboard tab or div to visualize the herd/health/and locations
Possible feature request would be a grid view vs form view. It is hard to compare and analyze in form view. People want to be able to see a grid view where you can see rows and columns of data.
**maybe 80% solution with option to export animal data and co linked data sets?
I’m curious what other thoughts you have. I have been on the fence this year on continuing to use farmos or to go to cattlemax. I was hoping this was done now and I could just run my own reporting in php.
What if we got the grazing module 100% included and working then attached our herd assets to that. That would eliminate the pasture assignment part for a group of cattle. we could grow it from there I think.