No docker image tagged with 7.x-1.8

Hi devs!

There seems to be a new 1.8 release

But i can’t find this tag in docker hub:




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Hi @raleonardo - the latest release of farmOS is 7.x-1.7:

The link you posted is for the Token module. FWIW I updated the Token module in the farmOS 7.x-1.x dev branch to 7.x-1.8 last month: Update Token module to 7.x-1.8. · farmOS/farmOS@c5c1504 · GitHub

Hope that helps!

oh my bad! (a bit too sleepless from real farming… :sweat_smile: )

so the warning about the drupal security update should go away when you release 1.8


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Ah yes correct. The security updates since the farmOS 1.7 release are low-risk, so we haven’t tagged a new full release of farmOS. But, if you want the updates before we do, you can update to the latest “7.x-1.x-dev snapshot” available here: - It’s the same process a updating to a tagged release.

FWIW in farmOS 2.x we will be using semantic versioning (eg: 2.x.y instead of 7.x-1.x), and will have a more streamlined process for frequent “patch” releases for things like this. :slight_smile:

FYI if the Drupal warning messages are annoying, you can also disable them by turning off the core “Update” module. There are also some settings for it at /admin/reports/updates/settings. They should only show to the “admin” user, however, and not to lower-level users (like the “Farm Manager” or “Farm Worker” roles).

Alright thank you!!

looking forward for the 2.0 release :wink:

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Me too!! :smile: