Sensor - Listener 404 error

I am currently running v1.5 on my rpi3. everything appears to be working except for the listener portion for sensors. If i cut and paste the curl command, that is given by my sensor configuration, i get an apache 404 error. I have run this command on the local server as well as remotely with the same results.

Any help would be appreciated.

Have you saved the sensor asset? If you clicked “Add sensor”, and then copied the curl command before saving the sensor, it won’t be available yet. This is a minor “gotcha” that I’ve actually experienced myself a few times. :slight_smile:

If that’s not the issue, what happens if you try to visit that URL in your browser? Do you get a 404 there as well?

@mstenta Yes I saved first. copy and pasting the given URL in the developer section of the sensor gives me a 404 in my web browser as well. I am running the server on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

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Hmm that is odd. Is it the Drupal/farmOS 404 page? Or could it be that Apache is taking it over somehow? How is your server configured? Are you running the farmOS Docker image? Or a manual setup?

I wonder if you try making a new sensor, does the same thing happen?

its the apache 404, interesting clue. I did a manual setup of apache, mariadb, php. then did the drupal farmOS install.

i think i forgot to enable mod-rewrite and clean URLs. would that do this?

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Ah yes that could be it! Clean URLs are assumed to be enabled in farmOS, generally speaking.

What if you try going to the same URL, but with ?q= between the domain and path? eg: https://myfarmos.tld/?q=/path/to/sensor/endpoint

If that works, then it’s a Clean URLs issue.

I get a page not found

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Hmm I can’t see what the URL looks like in that (just the part after the domain).

In either case, try to get clean URLs configured:

Sorry, forgot to post. enabling clean URLS drupal and allowing them in apache worked.

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