Setting default values in Animal Assetr

Hi, just installed this on my pi and trying to get to grips with it

ive got one breed of Sheep ( Boreray) ,who all have ear tags
How can i set a default value ( or remove the 'required ’ bit in each of the input fields ?
Ive had a play with ~ line 248 in profiles/farm/modules/farm/farm_livestock/farm_livestock.module
but that didn’t do anything

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If you have admin access, you can enable the Field UI module and change default values and required field settings via the Drupal admin UI.

I’m tempted to caution against this though, unless you have a very good reason, and know how to maintain these overrides alongside updates to farmOS. Could you describe a bit more why you want to do this? What are you trying to accomplish from a workflow perspective? Maybe I can help by suggesting alternatives. :slight_smile:

The “proper” way to do this would be to write a module that alters these things, without touching/hacking the core farmOS code. This is one of the golden rules of farmOS (and Drupal): “don’t hack core” - don’t modify the farmOS code itself, unless you are proposing an upstream change. Otherwise you are essentially managing a fork of the software, and any changes you make need to be recreated every time you upgrade to a new version. A module, on the other hand, can be managed as it’s own code repository that simply “hooks into” certain parts of the farmOS/Drupal code and makes alterations.

to make it more straightforward entering 84 details of 84 sheep , to get started

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Maybe the CSV importer would help? Import -

had a look at that - no indication what defaults it may/may not accept or error checking with the input so i imagined having several goes at getting all the fields correctly formatted for it to accept anything
And then there is still adding new stock as we get it

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If you are interested in coding, you might want to consider making a “quick form” in a custom module for your specific data entry needs. Then you can control exactly what information you are collecting, and exactly where it’s going.

There are a few examples in farmOS you can look at. I would recommend enabling the “Farm Quick” module first, and clicking the “Quick” tab on the dashboard to get a sense for what it might look like. Then you can use the existing quick forms as examples to work on developing your own.