Spray recording

Hi Angela
Not so worried about inventory tracking, have found with other programs in the past that its a bit of a hassle, what goes in the sprayer and they area sprayed usually don’t match exactly, then end up with discrepancies.

More looking to log all the details of an application and the rates and types of products used. Sounds like the changes Mike mentioned that are coming could answer my problems.
To be able to set up a chemical as an asset with various properties, like herbicide or fungicide, chemical group, price maybe. And then add it to a log with a rate would be great.

@mstenta in the update to to make materials an asset, will the quantity measurements use defined units to allow measurement and comparisons between logs?
It seems at the moment if I enter 0.5L in one log and the 500mL in another there is no way to compare the 2, as L and mL arent defined, correct?