Somewhat related is the grazing plan module. We’re brainstorming how this would work right now, your feedback would be great! So far I don’t think we have discussed too much re: displaying the geometries of the planned/actual grazing events in a map but certainly this would be useful, especially with temporary fencing.
I feel like the grazing plan in its current MVP state is providing two different but related things:
First, a way to visualize pending/done grazing logs. I’m curious how useful you might find this “timeline” UI itself for creating + planning new movements @danigrover. Maybe with an optional map view as well?
Second, a way to record the “planned” movements vs what is actually pending/done. Having the ability to plan movements to specific geometries for temporary fencing and then compare with what actually happened would be cool… but somewhat complicated Do you think there would be value in this? More generally, how would you use a planned vs pending/done capability?
@paul121 I’m sorry that I didn’t get back to you on this thread earlier in the process. I think that a visualization of movement/grazing logs is a really important feature. I’ll lay out two present use cases:
I neglected to track my grazing for about a month (I move two groups right now about every 4 days). So, I just went back in to fill in the missing data. It would have been so useful to see the movements that I have entered on a map as I’m drawing polygons of the other movements. Basically I am drawing polygons onto the map but without anything to reference them off of. At present, I have to remember where the previous or next paddock(s) are which inevitably leads to pretty crummy data. Paddocks in my FarmOS records overlap or leave out areas and don’t actually reflect very well what happened in real time! So yes! having a way to see those things WHILE adding additional logs would be a great feature add in my opinion!
The second use case is that I am receiving some funding for rotational grazing. In order to receive the funding, I have to show a map that lays out my grazing records for the season. Then I get paid by the acre. However, I’m not sure how to get that data out of FarmOS and into a form that I can submit. I need to show labels on the map with field names, the acreage grazed, and outlines of the paddocks and the dates they were in them. It would be amazing if I could easily output/visualize such a map! It would also be super helpful for other use-cases like future planning based on past years’ grazing.
And to your second bullet point, YES!!! Having a pending movement would be great! I think I would use it to draw out the planned paddocks that I have. I don’t think I would necessarily need it to be able to compare the pending to the actual. So I wonder if the “completed” slider in the movement log already achieves enough here for my purposes? The feature add that would be great here is a map visualization of all planned/not yet completed movements for a given asset.
I hope that helps @paul121 and that my feedback isn’t coming too late in the project! I haven’t been following along with this progress as closely as I would have liked due to a busy summer season!
For context, I’m currently grazing 50 sheep in two separate groups (a ram and lamb group and a ewe group). I have plans to eventually graze 125 milking ewes plus 250 lambs, 50 or so yearling replacements and a small group of 2-4 rams. I will be moving these groups at different intervals. The milkers get moved each day and the other groups more like every 3 days.
Thanks everyone for all of the thought and consideration being put into this!