Can't use New Asset or Log Types?

Greetings, Fellow Farmers!

I am hosting farmOS on my own server and setting it up now. I have added a new log type (“Infrastructure”) and a new asset type (“seed stock”). I did this by cloning an existing type and changing the name and machine name.

Now, when I choose “Add Log” or “Add Asset,” I can see my new log and asset types on the respective lists, but when I click the link to add a log or asset of my new type, the page just reloads. Clicking the other (default) log or asset types leads to a new log/asset page, as expected. It is only the new asset/log types that fail.

I was able to add “Infrastructure” as a new category of “Activity,” but what I’d really like to do is create my own new log and asset types. Is there a way to do this?

By the way, I absolutely love this project, and I look forward to being part of the farmOS community!

John Baldridge
Hesselridge Farm
Rochester, WA

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Hi @hesselridgefarm - glad to hear you’re experimenting! :smiley:

This exact question came up recently, so I will point you (and others) to that discussion here:

We actually are planning on talking about some of this stuff on next week’s monthly call, if you are interested in joining. I’m also hoping we can record it for future reference, in case you can’t.

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