Greetings, Fellow Farmers!
I am hosting farmOS on my own server and setting it up now. I have added a new log type (“Infrastructure”) and a new asset type (“seed stock”). I did this by cloning an existing type and changing the name and machine name.
Now, when I choose “Add Log” or “Add Asset,” I can see my new log and asset types on the respective lists, but when I click the link to add a log or asset of my new type, the page just reloads. Clicking the other (default) log or asset types leads to a new log/asset page, as expected. It is only the new asset/log types that fail.
I was able to add “Infrastructure” as a new category of “Activity,” but what I’d really like to do is create my own new log and asset types. Is there a way to do this?
By the way, I absolutely love this project, and I look forward to being part of the farmOS community!
John Baldridge
Hesselridge Farm
Rochester, WA