Create asset upon purchase?

There is a module for Drupal called Rules which may be able to help with this: - it allows you to configure trigger/event logic via the UI - no coding required.

See my comment in this related issue for more information: Schedule a log based on a quantity value

I’ve decided NOT to include Rules in farmOS 1.x because it does not have an automated upgrade path to Drupal 8, so it would add a hurdle to our upgrade process. If you self-host farmOS you are welcome to install it and play around - just know that it may need to be redone when we migrate to farmOS 2.x

Alternatively, it would be relatively simple to code this in a custom module using hook_entity_insert():!system!system.api.php/function/hook_entity_insert/7.x

Something like:

 * Implements hook_entity_insert().
function mymodule_entity_insert($entity, $type) {

  // If this is a purchase log, create an asset.
  if ($type == 'log' && $entity->type = 'farm_purchase') {
    $asset = array(
      'name' => 'My Asset',
      'type' => 'equipment',