December 16, 2024, 4:38pm
Hi @rose ! Welcome to the forum!
Awesome to hear you’re digging into some farmOS development!
Just wanted to link to two other forum threads that might be relevant to this (in addition to the link @Symbioquine mentioned above, which already contains a first pass at the data model changes).
Yesterday I watched a great BAD Camp Drupal session: A Smarter Approach to Recurring Events in Drupal . The session focused on both the technical & UI challenges associated with creating recurring calendar events, and shared how the Smart Date module handles this. The presenter was excellent! Definitely worth watching once the recording is out - meanwhile slides are here
So… this got me thinking again about potential “time” related improvements we could make to logs:
Log duration - Optionally…
Think I came up with a decent way of tracking working hours.
I use Node-red dashboard to input hours.
User list are retrieved from farmOS.
The hours are stored as an activity log in farmOS.
The selected user is owner also of the log.
A working hour category is also added to the log.
I intend to remove the flag when the hours are paid.
As a bonus, I get a notification from ntfy on my phone, and the user gets an email with a listing of all unpaid hours.
Possible addon : …
Happy to talk through ideas on a Thursday dev call if you want to join!