External notifications, webhooks, MQTT etc

@pat hope you don’t mind I’ll drag this conversation over here.

You can enable and disable a notification on a per log basis, don’t have a snooze option as such but those features may be part of some notification servers/apps. Marking a log ‘done’ from the notification is not currently implemented in the module but could be, I have experimented with this using Node-Red as the notification server and it works quite well as it is trivial to send a response back to farmOS through the API.

So far I’ve tested with Node-Red, ntfy and Telegram others can be added easily if they have an API based on http requests. But then again anything which can be accessed via Node-Red is also an option.

Signal as far as I can see would be possible now through Node-Red but not directly from my current module, it has a JS library though, so possibly a future plugin.

I’ve also already experimented with mix and matching the services using one as a Proxy for another.

farmOS → Node-Red
Straight forward, simple to use received Event for any sort of Automation or pass on to another service. Great if you have an always on reliable connection between farmOS and Node-Red.

farmOS → Telegram → Node-Red
This configuration is useful if Node-Red is not always on/available, an encrypted chat can be used to que messages until Node-Red is available. So maybe for Node-Red running on a laptop that is not always on/connected to the internet.

farmOS → ntfy → Node-Red
As above, but no security unless you self host ntfy.

farmOS → Node-Red → Any other service → Node Red → farmOS
Create a 2 way link between farmOS and (almost)any service you like.

Edit: Should probably also note this is a long way from completion, as I plan on redesigning it significantly to fit with the new core-notifications module and make the different communications methods plugins which can work with other modules.

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My thought too. I quickly made it off topic :innocent:

I’m looking forward to this. It’s very nice to have log notification in my workflow with the pigs among other things.

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