Field Kit Status Update

I’ve been overdue once again for a substantive update, since I’ve fallen behind again on the timeline I posted in my initial update.

Work on alpha.9 and the Observations module is moving forward, it’s just taken far longer than anticipated. That said, I think as of yesterday the most challenging bits are complete, relating to how images and other files are synced between the remote farmOS server and cached in the local Field Kit database. Just now I had the pleasure of closing a couple pesky and truly ancient issues in the queue over on GitHub. As I mentioned in the topic on Fetching images, I’m tempted to merge this into main for further testing, but for now I’ve just started a draft pull request.

Otherwise all that’s left is to update the UI for taking photos and notes on observation logs.

I’ll need to redirect my attention for the next week or so, as some other unrelated work has been postponed for too long as it is, but hope to have alpha.9 and Observations ready another week after that. Here’s my updated timeline:

Tag Deliverables Est. Release Date
alpha.7 Stable API Mar 24, 2022
alpha.8 Tasks Field Module Jan 4, 2023
alpha.9 Observations Field Module Mar 10, 2023
beta.1 Stable UX & API Docs Mar 20, 2023