First blog posts brainstorm (dev call 2022-06-09)

@BOTLFarm Yes! It would be great to have a way to signify which farmOS version a post has been “tested against”, so to speak. Seems like this would be easy to add as an additional “front matter” line in the markdown files.

I could also see this being updated from time to time, to signify that it is still relevant with new versions. And/or maybe with just some small tweaks blog posts can be updated more generally. In those cases, it might also be good to have an “Updated” date field as well.

So eg: if a post is a few years old, and just requires a small tweak to make it relevant again, someone could open a PR that fixes the content, sets the “Updated” date, and updates the “Version” to the current version.

Edit: I opened two feature requests…

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