Funding Proposal: Pasa Sustainable Ag Conference

Funding Proposal

Title: Sponsor GOAT as an exhibitor at the Pasa Sustainable Ag Conference
Submitted by: Greg Austic
OpenCollective account: GOAT booth costs at 2023 Pasa Conference
Cost: $250


We funded the creation of a beautiful GOAT booth, and Pasa would be a great conference to use it. It’s gives the whole community a chance to be seen and heard, and hopefully help us all find more collaborators, users, developers, contributors, and funders and better understand communities we might serve.

We’ll have people from OpenTEAM and Our Sci attending and available at the booth, and will be speaking about all the members of the GOAT community. If there are specific things from your organization you’d like to include, please contact us and we’ll include them on the table.

Please help us ensure we have a ‘place at the table’ (har har) at Pasa to raise awareness of open source in ag, and the importance of building strong developer and user communities together!

The total cost is 750 for a booth, but we’re splitting among several orgs so we’re just asking for 250 from the FarmOS community.

Outline of expenses:

  • 1/3rd booth: $250

(trying to keep it cheap and simple :slight_smile: )


Do you support funding this proposal?

  • Yes contribute 250 towards the booth!
  • Nope

0 voters


Normally we give these proposals a month or so to vote on, but this one requires a quicker turnaround because the PASA conference is Feb 8-11.

So please take a look! Add comments if you have any thoughts/questions!

I told @gbathree that I’d reach out to the folks who normally participate in these votes so we could try for a quicker turnaround on this one. I think it’s worthwhile - I’ve been to PASA in the past - it’s a big conference and there are a number of PASA farmers using farmOS already.


Sounds good. The response to farmOS at EcoFarm was great and expect the same at PASA, likely more people already using it too