I couldn't translate some strings?

sorry, this two are wrapped by translation function. let i check by clear cache of farmos and linux.

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Fixed: https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/3454144

I gave you commit credit @aathi179. If you find other untranslated strings and would like to create issues like that with merge requests, that would be very helpful!


Thank you for sharing credit.

after clear the cache this strings found.

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i couldn’t found this two strings “Date sampled” and “The date when the sample was collected.” in user interface translation page . This strings located in add Lab test log form page.

i seen this strings in code page.

Another two strings not wrapped by translation function. That are “Children” and “Which child assets were born?” in add birth log form page. string in code.

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Ah interesting, thanks for bringing that up @aathi179. Can you please open a bug report like the one I did earlier on drupal.org?

Those two strings are being set in a different way than others, so that may explain it.

posted as a issue in drupal - https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/3457177

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