I couldn't translate some strings?

Here, I tried dashboard page strings translate to tamil(language). but, i am unable to translate some string [add asset, add log (precontent)]. can you guide me for translation?

i was tried this translation from https://[your-domain]/admin/config/regional/translate this admin page.There i was downloaded ta.po file(translation file) and customized with context then uploaded with that import ui.


Thanks for sharing this! I need to look closer, but I think it might be the same issue described here: https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/3262752


Hmm yea it might be the same issue. #3262752 was specifically about items that appear in the main menu (Gin toolbar) which were created as derivatives. But it may also affect action links (like @aathi179 circled in the screenshot), since they are related systems in Drupal.

I believe I traced it to this core Drupal issue, which is still “Needs work”: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3038717

We could consider a temporary fix in farmOS while we wait for that to be resolved… described in my comment here: https://www.drupal.org/project/farm/issues/3262752#comment-14913606

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Thank you for your responses @paul121 and @mstenta .

Now, i translated “Assets”, “Add Asset”, and “Add Log”. That “Log”,“Asset” and “Assets” are found one more place in ta.po(downloaded from User interface translation page) after, i was changed that also. And “Add Assets”,“Add Log” were changed by translated the Add :entity_type. But, i couldn’t translate “Add Plan” in precontent.

i am continue to translating other pages.


This is working for side navigation menus. thank you.

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Great work @aathi179!!

The next step would be to submit these translations to localize.drupal.org, so that they can be downloaded by others! I have not done that myself, but the directions on localize.drupal.org describe the process:

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@mstenta thank you. But, “Add Plan” not translated. I am not able to translate.

Thank you for this suggestion. Once I complete the translation i shall do it.

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@aathi179 Can you share a screenshot of the “Add Plan” text, or tell me exactly where it is? I will take a look at the code and compare it to the others (“Add Asset”, “Add Log”) to see if there is something different with the plan text.

@mstenta I shared screenshot in today first or 4th post.

“Add plan” in precontent (gin_local_action dropdown) of dashboard page.

Ah thanks @aathi179 I didn’t notice that it was partially translated. “Plan” is not, but “Add” is.

Here is the code that generates that string: farmOS/modules/core/ui/action/src/Plugin/Derivative/FarmActions.php at b54f3532a94e7e3b2fe0c52bff21b2aced0dd1b6 · farmOS/farmOS · GitHub

So it seems that the entity type label string (“Plan”) is not being translated. Does that help? Have you translated the standalone string “Plan”? Not the combined string “Add Plan”.

@mstenta thank you.

i just restarted the linux server after some php updates and cleared farmos cache. Then, i was looking user interface translation page another one “Plan” string appeared. i added translated string against this new string. Now all of the dashboard page string translated successfully.


@aathi179 That’s great! Thanks again for working on this! If you find any other strings that aren’t translated let us know. :+1:

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Unable to translate Taxonomy overview page. Below that page screenshot.

Hmm that’s interesting @aathi179. I did some searching and it sounds like this is a limitation of Drupal core (not farmOS)…



It sounds like there is not agreement about whether or not to translate those strings in Drupal core. So we can either wait for it to be resolved upstream, or rebuild our own taxonomy UI and not use core’s. That would be a lot of work, and more code for us to maintain, unfortunately. I’m not sure what the best approach is, because from our users’ perspectives they should be translated IMO.

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ok ,when i translating the words Location,is fixed and Intrinsic geometry i have another doubt in location. i already gone through this forum topic Locations features redundant/confusing. if cow move through paddock that paddock will be the location. is it correct?.

@aathi179 Yes, if a log is created that references the cow asset in the log’s asset field, and the paddock asset in the location field, and the log has a timestamp in the past, and the log’s status is done, then the Cow’s “current location” will show as the paddock asset. If a second log is created that moves the cow somewhere else, then the cow’s “current location” will change accordingly.

These docs might help:

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Thank you, Another one, i couldn’t found this string in user interface translation page “Enter this plant asset’s crop/variety.”. This string located in plant asset add form page.

Ah good catch @aathi179! It looks like we have two strings in core that are not wrapped in the translation function…

In the Plant asset bundle field definitions:

And in the Seed asset bundle field definitions (which were copied from the Plant asset when they were created, if I remember correctly):

I will open a pull request to fix those. Thanks for telling me!


Thank you, These following two strings also not available for translation in sensor asset.

  1. “Whether or not data from this sensor can be read publicly without the private key.”
  2. “Private key”
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