Medical Logs, withdrawal flags

I just tried out the new calendar module farmOS Calendar module (v2) and it made me think maybe I need to work on finishing this module. (which may or may not need to depend on a calendar module?)

The Google Calendar option works, it’s easy to see if there are animals in the herd are restricted but I’d prefer for this to work within farmOS without the need to access a cloud service. I thought maybe the farmOS Calendar module might be suitable, I see the Calendar view module supports recurring dates, but it probably be too messy to just populate the same calendar as other logs unless filter options are added.

I guess the same logic is needed for Medical Logs and possibly Spray/other Logs

So my current ideas.
With a Calendar:

  • A separate calendar view for “Restricted Assets”
  • A Calendar view on each restrictable Asset (that’s only relevant to that Asset)

Without a Calendar:

  • Back to the Flags and whatever logic that will entail.
  • A new Dashboard widget similar to upcoming / late tasks called “Restricted Assets”

Or just some combination of the above.

Any thoughts on the above are welcome.