Input inventory for medical supplies

I would like to know how to keep record of all my medical supplies. And to put them onto the farm OS app.

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Hi @jennygail - welcome to the farmOS community! :slight_smile:

Currently, the livestock module provides a “Medical” log type, so you can record when you give your animals medical treatments.

However, it does not yet have the ability to track inventory of medical supplies. This is something that we plan to add in the future, though, and some of the work is already done.

Here are some of the relevant discussions in the issue queue:

Ultimately, the way it will work is you will be able to create assets to represent the different types of medical supplies you have, along with inventory levels for each. Then, when you create a Medical log (to record that medicine was given to an animal) you will reference that inventory and decrement it accordingly.

This is how animal head counts are currently tracked in farmOS - but we need to do a little more work to allow that to be used more generally for other asset types.

Love to hear any ideas you have for how to make this easy/intuitive!

Hi Mike,

If you would like me to test what you have done for this ,I dont mind testing it.


Jennifer Young

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Thanks @jennygail! When we get back into it I’ll try to remember to make a forum post and keep everyone updated on the progress!

Hi Mike,

I’m used to testing programmes as my husband used to develop programs for a NGO firm here in South Africa.



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How do I view my animals that have been archived?


Jennifer Young

In Assets > Animals, there is a “Filter/sort” box above the animal list. Click that and you will find an option to include assets that are archived, unarchived, or all.


Is there a possibility to add a search facility for logs going into the following year, I.e., I’m adding log activities for the Calendar for 2020 and 2021 but when I go to view 2021. I have to use the arrows and my legs for next year are not viable on the Calendar.


Jennifer Young

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There is a simple search feature in the Logs > All logs (and for each log type) menu page, under the same “Filter/sort” options. It only searches the log name, currently, though.

There is an open feature request to improve the search features: