Ontology for Interop (w/ RFC, OFN -etc?)

This is the emergent standards discussion @walt - you’re in at the ground floor! :wink:

There has been a lot of talk about integrating farmOS with other platforms like Open Food Network - but nothing has gotten off the ground yet (mostly lack of sponsorship/volunteers for the necessary legwork). Some relevant discussion in this topic: eCommerce integration

As for standard ontologies, this is what Our Sci and OpenTEAM have been putting a lot of thought and effort into. But it is still just the beginning. @sudokita at Purdue has been working on a “Plant Data Service” which aims to be a database of crops with API capabilities that farmOS and other services can leverage. So the long term goal, as I understand it, is for the SurveyStack ontologies to be merged with that eventually. But since existing standards are few and far between we have to start somewhere. :slight_smile: