OpenWeatherMap Module

@pat I Had another look at API’s and it looks like they are working on a WMS service. WeatherAPI documentation | MET Weather API but it says under construction.

Very little information in the link other than more likes on general information on what WMS is.

But I found this weatherapi-docs/ at master · metno/weatherapi-docs · GitHub in their GitHub so had a play anyway.

They have a lot of different map layers to choose from but they all end up missing tiles on rendering, not sure if this is the “under construction” bit or just me :smiley: it’s different area’s at each zoom level.

Some off the layers are just the Nordic region though and even layers with global layers revert to Nordic if the Time parameter is used to select a time over an hour in the past.

Could be interesting though in the future when the Service launches officially.

I wonder if the Agstack API mentioned by @mstenta will serve any map layers? AgStack Weather API in alpha

@mstenta or @Symbioquine I presume the farmOS Map only renders once per page load for performance reasons which would make sense for most Mapping and survey layers, but can a weather module periodically call the map to re-render to track weather systems? or would that require some modification of the core map module?

Of course I could always cheat and use a iframe :smiley: