Research Invitation (Tell us your story!)

My name is Rosemary Steup, and I am a researcher at Indiana University in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering. With Norman Su and Lynn Dombrowski, I am conducting a study to explore how and why farmers engage with computer programming (broadly defined to include things like Excel macros and advanced software use as well as more traditional software development). We are interested in farmers’ motivations for doing computer programming, how they see their roles within software development and farming communities, and how programming interacts with their other work. We are especially excited to learn about the creative work happening in farmOS.

If you are over 18, we would love to interview you about your farming and/or programming experience. Interviews take about an hour (although we can work with you and your schedule). Your identity will be private in any published reports that come from this study.

If you are interested in being interviewed, please email me at or call/text (812) 727-4603. If you have questions or suggestions for us, feel free to reach out by either of those methods or just respond to this post!

Thanks for reading, and I hope to talk soon!


The forum would be another good place to find farmers for your project.


Thanks for the tip! I’ll check it out.

Welcome to the forum Rosemary @iu_tech_researcher! I hope you get some good responses to this! I will share it with some other people I know who are not frequent forum members, but who might be good candidates. You might also cross post this on the GOAT forum (Gathering for Open Ag Tech):

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