First my apologies for stepping away for a few days, many irons small fire!
I have been asked to start a thread in regards to creating a module that would allow an efficient and effective way to import and export data between CattleMax and FarmOS.
I am not sure how many other users also have experience with CattleMax. I would like to start by identifying other users, hearing there stories of success and failure and any things people feel are low hanging fruit.
After we develop the User Story we can create another post (or continue this one) to address the import/export feature.
Today CattleMax has a feature to allow you to download a ZIP file of your entire farm. Setting up an import process into farmOS seems relatively straightforward beyond the differences in the modeling.
But first let’s hear people’s stories about there experiences and see what we all can derive from those. Don’t be afraid to make technical post we will use that data in the very near future.