Change column size in logs view

I’m having trouble to identify the right log entry when viewing the logs overview because the log name column is cut off.
I usually name logs in the format
[Season] [Asset] [custom text describing the acitivity]

Is there any way to resize the column? I would have expected that I can drag the edge of the column (see red arrow) and extend/reduce its size. But that’s not working.
I saw in post Change column order in logs view that the log name text was wrapped. For me it does not wrap. That would also be a solution.

(by the way: Thank you for adding a filter for the notes field recently. That already makes finding the log entries easier. :+1: )


If I remember correct, it did wrap before but it was a bit messy to read the log title then. So I guess zooming out is the best option. (Ctrl -)


Create a file gin-custom.css in the sites/default/files/ directory,
in the template library, it is already included and you can add your style code to it
add this example css code for the Name and Location fields

#views-form-farm-log-block-upcoming td.views-field.views-field-name {
white-space: wrap;
max-width: 30vw;
text-overflow: clip;
#views-form-farm-log-block-upcoming td.views-field.views-field-location-target-id {
white-space: wrap;
text-overflow: clip;

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