Comparative Analysis with similar solutions

Is there any comparative analysis/study on FarmOS with respect to similar other solutions?

When i was researching softwares for farm record keeping, @kvinayaks, i found this 10 minute video to be helpful.


Thanks @walt. The video does do a good job of comparing a few software around that time. I see that now there are many others such as CropIn (in India) KisanHub (in UK), LeanAgri etc. and was wondering if these are similar to what FarmOS does and if not how does it stand w.r.t. those in particular those not being open source. I guess I will need to sign-up myself and see how these are different.

Does FarmOS create/generate crop plan?

There is some discussion on the ‘plan’ work that is going on in FarmOS. Here is the thread Proactive FarmOS

I have not tried the ones you mentioned, I did look at Tend. Tend is nice if you are a market gardener with CSA or selling to restaurants. Pretty hefty subscription price if you are not established, compared to Farmier. FarmOS is better for me because the Task approach with logs is really nice for me as I am just getting everything set up and there is a lot to keep track of outside of just the garden. The planning work definitely sounds promising that @mstenta is doing. FarmOS really tries to position itself to be for whatever you wanted tracked, which is good. You can be a rancher or a vet or farmer or a gardener or an orcharder or just turf care. All those things can fit in and use FarmOS.

Not to sound like an advertisement but I am software Engineer by day and FarmOS having an API and some officially supported libraries allows me to make FarmOS work for me. I can write scripts to load data and use FarmOS the way I want to also.

Hope that helps some.


Thanks Lucas :slight_smile:

@kvinayaks Other than the video @walt posted above, I’m not aware of any exhaustive comparisons between farmOS and other systems. It would be great to see something like that come together though! If you put any work into it, feel free to share!

Sure Mike. I am not sure if I can or even if I could how would I do that. But it is something of interest to me and hence whenever I will do such analysis I will definitely share it here.

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