What feature do you wish FarmOS had? This is the place to share them!
Let’s get this conversation going!
What feature do you wish FarmOS had? This is the place to share them!
Let’s get this conversation going!
Go take a look. I really like their simple but effective interface.
It’s great to hear what others find useful in other software - thanks for sharing @Karson!
On our last development call I mentioned that I would love to see a more feature-rich “Organic” module for farmOS, as well as a “GAP” module. There could even be sub-modules or variants for specific jurisdicitons (eg: “USDA Organic” vs the many other incarnations of requirements). This seems to be one of the biggest challenges - and opportunities! COG Pro and others do one thing and do it well. I’d love to see similar targeted solutions built as add-on modules for farmOS.
It would also be neat to see a “feature matrix” of other software products, along with the ability for users to “vote” by indicating which features they actually use and find valuable. We don’t need to rebuild everything - just focus on the important bits. And learning from each other what’s “important” is the first step!
Take a look at AgriNote. This is a Norwegian alternative. Created by a farmer and a developer.
It’s been a success. Very easy to learn. Everybody just can start using it.
They have a planting production module that is very powerful, and gives a great overview.
I know this is a old topic but thought it might still be the right place.
One thing I liked in Litefarm that I was testing for a few days before starting with farmOS is how easy it is to create a new plant and by default get the tasks created with default values from there database and it even calculates estimated how much you could harvest. It also have some nice functions connected to certifications that helps you to know what data you need to record.
I know most of those things are already talked about for farmOS but just wanted to give an example on how others have made it.
I’d say it’s the right place alright.
Most of these features will probably never be part of core farmOS but I’d say there is scope for modules, maybe some quickforms, would be the best starting place.
Probably some scope for external tooling similar to the field tools already in development but ‘online,’ and more desktop orientated. That way we could skin farmOS on a farm by farm basis with the best features of any of the competitors without over bloating it with features not needed by that particular farm.