@paul121 This would be a great integrated network shop module for farmOS.
I am in talks with LaurieWayne the main coordinator for OFN (USA) openfoodnetwork.net and she is very interested in seeing this integration and mentioned she had discussions with OpenTEAM about it in recent past. This seems like a real good match of the 2 platforms.
I feel this could be a new standard as i really like how they have there system laid out.
Very straight forward to use and OFN seems to cover most important aspects of bringing farms online into one platform to sell goods.
Heres my feeble attempt of ideas on how farmOS + OFN could play together.
Develop a “farm2foodnetwork” module (*what data sets to share?)
- Ability to have a farmOS profile on OFN as Provider etc
- Ability to push asset ”product” thru movement till it goes to OFN store
- Ability to push assets to OFN inventory and categorize each desired asset as a network store product with in farmOS.
- Ability to track and trace product from start to market and the ability to tag it at each stage.
- Push items to network store from farmOS directly when ready.
- Integrate crop production plan with ofn product availability.
- OAuth to connect the accounts?