Experimenting with a Document asset type

I created an experimental farm_document module that provides a “Document” asset type: GitHub - mstenta/farm_document: EXPERIMENTAL - Document management features for farmOS.

This came out of the discussion over in this topic: Managing documents, SOPs, etc

This is NOT recommended for everyone to start using. Only install it if you want to experiment with the idea and help to feel out whether or not it makes sense, is useful, etc… or if we would be better suited building something more bespoke for document management (not an asset type). This module took ~1 minute to throw together, so it is a low-effort way to test it out.

@pat requested to be the first volunteer guinnea pig. :slight_smile:

If anyone else is on Farmier hosting and would like to try it out, send me a PM. But NOTE… this is an EXPERIMENT! I don’t guarantee that I will support this module, and if we decide that a different solution makes sense you will be responsible for moving your document data to that new solution so that I can delete this module. But if you’re OK with that, and want to be an alpha/beta tester, let me know!